Terms of Referencefor Trainer within Regional Project: “ACT on Hate”
Deadline for application: 16th of April 2021
About local organization
The mission of ACT for SOCIETY Center is to enhance the healthy lifestyles and stimulate the sustainable development of society. Our work consists on advocating for human rights issues, democracy, promoting culture, connecting youth, stimulating the active participation of young people in social life and decision-making processes, both in the local and national level.
Our NGO has been operating many years in promoting active participation of young people in their communities and help them be the change makers for the issues concerning them. Also, we have experience in implementing projects in high schools and specific communities, where we have shown our self to be capable on helping young people create positive culture in schools and/or communities and build connections with each – other. Also, referring to our previous and current projects, it is obvious that our methodology and way of working is focused on research and prevention policy.
ACT for Society has tackled many times sensitive issues related to youth from marginalized groups and has a clear understanding on the dynamics of dealing with these issues from their part. This project will go in line with previous initiatives targeting youth, gender issues and gender based violence and will combine lessons learned with a new approach in fighting hate speech.
The “ACT on Hate” project will contribute to positive behavioral change among youth in peripheral and rural Tirana towards the fight against hate speech and the creation of counter narratives.
Specifically it will aim to:
Increase capacities among youth in peripheral and rural Tirana to identify, analyze and report cases of hate speech and/or hate induced violence, including those online.
Increase collaboration levels between youth-school administration-responsible institutions (The Commissioner Against Discrimination, The Ombudsman, AMA, Directories of Police, Public Defendants, etc).
Subject and focus (scope)
The training will be conducted by an external Trainer/Trainers, with the support of Act on Hate Coordinator, following the division of tasks and responsibilities:
The Act on Hate Coordinator:
Provision of necessary documentation and data for Trainer/Trainers
Provision of logistic support for organizing the training
Recruitment and selection of youth that will be involved in the program
The Trainer/Trainers` Responsibilities:
The Trainer/Trainers will be responsible for the following aspects while conducting the assessments:
Creation of the methodology and training/workshop schedule, based on the assessment document:
Interactive, engaging teaching matters ex. Discussions, games, activities.
Based on the assessment, drafting the methodology and training/workshop schedule and submission to the Coordinator for approval;
Finalizing the methodology and training/workshop schedule;
Selection of the training dates in coordination with the Coordinator;
Based on the adopted methodology and training/workshop schedule, conducting the training/workshop;
Conduct the evaluation of the training/workshop;
Report on the conducted trainings/workshops
Required qualifications
Comprehensive experience with conducting similar trainings
Academic background from social sciences.
Prior experience with projects targeting young men and women beneficiaries,
Prior experience with projects targeting prevention of youth extremism and radicalism.
Knowledge of the national/regional and EU public policies targeting prevention of youth radicalism and extremism.
Prior experience on building capacities;
Excellent inter-personal communication skills including experience of facilitation of trainings/workshops and presentation;
Proven and demonstrated broad knowledge of and ability to utilize principles, methods, techniques and systems of working with youth selected target groups;
Application process
If an individual is applying it is necessary to enclose:
- CV with printed hard copies (or e-documents in PDF format on CD) or active web links that indicates experience described in above eligibility section
Offers should be submitted by 16th of April 2021, at 11 a.m. to the following address: actfsociety@gmail.com, or at Center Act for Society office as a hard copy
The offer that is chosen will be notified in writing by 18th of April 2021
Partner organization commits itself to:
Prepare and agree on a work-plan with the Trainer(s)
Provide support with implementing the trainings
Coordinate with the Trainer(s)
Provide requested documentation to Trainer(s)
Provide logistical support to the Trainer(s)
Consultant commits him/herself to:
Realize all the activities listed in TOR in highly professional manner
Respectful collaboration with partner organization and beneficiaries in the field
The payments will be made in separate installments at the end of the trainings.