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Open Call: External Trainer for Program Y Plus

Terms of Reference

for Trainer/Trainers within Regional Project:

“Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and

the Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans”

Deadline for application: 11th of April 2019

About local organization

The mission of ACT for SOCIETY Center is to enhance the healthy lifestyles and stimulate the sustainable development of society. Our work consists on advocating for human rights issues, democracy, promoting culture, connecting youth, stimulating the active participation of young people in social life and decision-making processes, both in the local and national level.

Our NGO has been operating many years in promoting active participation of young people in their communities and help them be the change makers for the issues concerning them. Also, we have experience in implementing projects in high schools and specific communities, where we have shown our self to be capable on helping young people create positive culture in schools and/or communities and build connections with each – other. Also, referring to our previous and current projects, it is obvious that our methodology and way of working is focused on research and prevention policy.

ACT for SOCIETY Center is a partner in the project "Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans", implemented by CARE International in Balkans and supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and OAK Foundation. We became a partner in the project since November 2017 and are now starting the second year of the project. This year we have created our youth club to initiate the project and test the program, our youth club, specifically called “Be a Man Club” had weekly meetings that were used to train them into becoming effective peer educators and leaders. In the second year of the project we plan on accrediting and scaling up the Program Y. Although, one of the focus points of this project that is of high importance for the interested applicants the Development and Implementation of “Program Y+”. During this period we have also researched and done community mapping in different locations. A Program Y Plus model will be developed in the selected community based on the baseline research. From this program we expect on directly reaching 150 youngsters, 50 parents and 75 community members.


The Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans or Young Men Initiative II (YMI II) project builds upon CARE´s comprehensive and programmatic effort to fight interpersonal and gender based violence (GBV) as well as to improve gender equality in the region and address preventative issues related to youth extremism and violence.

The project objective is to enable positive and peaceful societies for young people in Serbia, Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, that support gender equality and decrease interpersonal violence and its extremism.

The project’s specific objective is to improve Youth NGOs and government capacities to integrate Program Youth - Life Skills Educational Curriculum in the current educational and youth policy strategies and strengthen governmental and civil society efforts related to the inclusion of youth vulnerable to extremism.

This project aims at scaling up and mainstreaming earlier achievements related to the implementation of the Gender Transformative Life Skills program, or short Program Y, via targeted advocacy and a close cooperation with relevant stakeholder through the support of movement / coalition building through the development of new alliances that engage parents and citizens in supporting gender equality focused life skills education program. One of the main results of the project is to develop educational tools for scaling up such activities as online education and working with universities in the training of new educators. To enhance this process, CARE will scale up the Program Y in selected secondary vocational schools whereby the schools take the lead in the implementation with the support from CARE’s local partners and will identify allies among teachers, who will act as trainers of trainers (ToT) and youth engaged as peer educators. In addition, a new comprehensive model, Program Y plus will be piloted working with a more select group of youth vulnerable to violence and extremism. This model seeks to increase community connections and address the multiple layers of exclusion often leading to extremism. CARE´s local partner organizations are increasingly recognized as key players by the public stakeholders in the field of men engagement, youth work and gender equality. Supported by the project, the partners will launch campaigns targeting youth and selected communities, around hate speech and promoting the positive role of all community members in addressing extremism and violence. The project will mainly build on the use of social media, but also involve popular media and the arts to further messaging and reaching vulnerable groups. The project will continue to support the efforts of CARE´s partners to become national resource centers in regards to gender equality, youth work and violence prevention.

The main expected outputs are the following:

Output 1: Life Skills program (Program Y) scaled up in accredited countries with the Ministries of Education and supported in its promotion and capacity building for use in secondary schools.

Output 2: In selected communities, a Program Youth “Plus model” is developed, piloted and tested to address issues of vulnerability to violence and extremism amongst selected youth.

Output 3: In targeted countries, social movements activated and/or supported to engage/encourage citizens; including parents, youth and a diverse civil society, with the focus on encouraging governments to actively promote/address gender equality, life skills and health education in schools.

Output 4: Social norms campaign developed for targeted audience promoting peaceful masculinities, gender equality and addressing hate speech and intolerance.

The YMI II project is be implemented in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia and targets youth, especially young men vulnerable to violence and anti-social behaviors and strengthen key skills, knowledge, attitudes that support improved behaviors around gender equitable norms and non-violence. In total 56.800 people will be directly reached through the project: 150 teachers, 5000 students, 150 university students, 50.200 youth, 1100 parents/citizens, 100 community members and 100 movement leaders. (Indirectly more than 68.000 people).

Program Y Plus – prevention of youth extremism and radicalism

In the Balkan countries attention has started to focus on the issue of the prevention of extremism amongst youth and looking at the root causes and vulnerabilities that support some youth to engage within violent and or radical groups. For example, these Balkan countries adopted strategies Albania (2016), Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015), Serbia (2016) and Kosovo (2015); they also adopted 5-year action plans that are also addressing the education and social welfare sectors as a priority, especially in engaging vulnerable youth. According to UNDP, a wide range of external factors (e.g.: geopolitical developments, demographic change, economic pressure, migration, social and mass media) can lead to the way towards extremism. These factors and ‘drivers’ are often combined with one another and interact with the context through various forms.[1] In addition society often fails in providing youth safe spaces, acknowledgment, empowerment and inclusion.[2] Youth outside of education or employment and/ or lacking opportunities to participate within the community life are more vulnerable to extremist voices and ideology. As the report from the Regional Cooperation Council “Initiatives to Prevent / Counter Violent Extremism in South East Europe highlights preventative initiatives with at risk youth that engage with both the education and social welfare system show the most promising practice in prevention.

Through our preventative model “Program Y plus” that will be developed within this project, the spotlight is on providing the skills and opportunities for youth to engage within the community, develop connections and relationships with different positive adults. In engaging with both, the youth and their families, the main focus is to develop their agency and address issues impacting their education, relationships and civic participation. While most media and security institutions attention has been centered on those youth recruited for ISIL/ Daesh, more recognition has been placed on the need to focus on preventing the push factors.

Objectives of the Program Y Plus Trainings

The overall objective of the Program Y Plus Trainings is to raise capacities of the youth, community members and teachers of a specific community to identify radical and extremist influencers and information, to vulnerable youth and to refer them to the various youth development programs that are being organized.

The specific objectives are:

  1. Training modules for three target groups

  2. Adequate methodology and programs for youth at risk, youth, teachers and community members

  3. Conducting a Baseline and Endline questionnaires for the training program.

Subject and focus (scope)

The module development will be conducted by an external Trainer/Trainers, with the support of YMI Coordinator, following the division of tasks and responsibilities:

The YMI Coordinator:

  • Provision of necessary documentation and data for Trainer/Trainers

  • Provision of logistic support for organizing meetings, interview and focus group with target groups

  • Recruitment and selection of youth, parents/guardians, religious leaders and other community representatives that will be involved in the program

  • Presenting the existing YMI methodology and the plans for Program Y Plus trainings

The Trainer/Trainers` Responsibilities:

The Trainer/Trainers will be responsible for the following aspects while conducting the assessments:

  1. Creation of the methodology and training/workshop schedule, based on the assessment document:

  2. Interactive, engaging teaching matters ex. Discussions, games, activities.

  3. Based on the assessment, drafting the methodology and training/workshop schedule and submission to the YMI Coordinator for approval;

  4. Finalizing the methodology and training/workshop schedule;

  5. Righting modules

  6. Conducting a total of 15 workshops:

  7. Selection of the training/workshop dates in coordination with the YMI Coordinator;

  8. Based on the adopted methodology and training/workshop schedule, conducting the training/workshop;

  9. Conduct the evaluation of the training/workshop;

  10. Report on the conducted trainings/workshops

Research approach and methods

The Researcher should provide within the offer for this Terms of Reference and with info provided here, suggestions for Research approach and methods, while having in mind that both quantitative and qualitative data must be gathered. It is possible that Researcher interested in this job, consult with the Project Coordinator before submitting the offer.


Description of the activities

Number of Days

Responsible person

Creation of the methodology and training/workshop schedule

1 day


Righting the modules of training for three target groups

8 days


Conduction of 15 (fifteen) workshops with teachers, community member and youth

15 days


Training team

The Training team will consist of YMI Coordinator, an External Trainer/Trainers and the CARE Project Manager.

ACT for SOCIETY Center invites individual trainers, teams of trainers, NGOs and agencies for the Balkans region, familiar with the context and subject of the project in question, to respond to this call and present in details their expertise, experience, division of work and responsibility levels/responsible person (in case of teams or agencies).

Required qualifications

  • Comprehensive experience with conducting similar trainings

  • Excellent oral and writing skills in English.

  • Academic background from social sciences.

  • Prior experience of working in the Balkans region.

  • Prior experience with projects targeting young men and women beneficiaries, health and social welfare institution representatives, religious leaders and media.

  • Prior experience with projects targeting prevention of youth extremism and radicalism.

  • Knowledge of the national/regional and EU public policies targeting prevention of youth radicalism and extremism.

  • Prior experience on building capacities;

  • Excellent inter-personal communication skills including experience of facilitation of trainings/workshops and presentation;

  • Proven and demonstrated broad knowledge of and ability to utilize principles, methods, techniques and systems of working with youth selected target groups;

Application process

If an individual is applying it is necessary to enclose:

- CV with printed hard copies (or e-documents in PDF format on CD) or active web links that indicates experience described in above eligibility section

- Schedule of training and indicative workload

- Daily fee/rate per day in Euro and the number of days predicted for the work. The Consultant should make a breakdown of costs in the budget part of the proposal, including different activities and types of costs (travel related costs should be included into the budget, if any).

If a company is applying, beside above listed requests, it must enclose proof of tax paid.

Offers should be submitted by 11th of April 2019, at 11 a.m. to the following address:

The offer that is chosen will be notified in writing by 12th of April 2019


Partner organization commits itself to:

  • Prepare and agree on a work-plan with the Trainer(s)

  • Provide support with implementing the trainings

  • Coordinate with the Trainer(s)

  • Provide requested documentation to Trainer(s)

  • Provide logistical support to the Trainer(s)

Consultant commits him/herself to:

  • Realize all the activities listed in TOR in highly professional manner

  • Respectful collaboration with partner organization and beneficiaries in the field


The payments will be made in separate installments at the end of the trainings:

[1] Institute for Democracy and Mediation: Religious Radicalism and Violent Extremism in Albania (2015),

[2] UNDP (2016): Preventing violent extremism: Through promoting inclusive development, tolerance and respect for diversity.

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